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Getting Set Up
There’s a lot to think about when getting started with livestock. From setting up your chicken coop to building a goat pen. Here’s how to get it done:
All Livestock Articles
Cattle Gestation Calculator
Make sure you know your cow’s due date by using this cattle gestation calculator so you can be prepared for calving this year!
The Number 1 Way to Get Rid of Foxes for Good!
Foxes are a big problem for poultry owner. Learn this number one tip to get rid of foxes for good and quit losing your birds to these sly predators!
19 Reasons to Raise Goats on Your Homestead
Have you thought about raising goats on your farm, but wonder what goats are good for? Learn 19 reasons why you should get goats on your farm!
How to Keep Chickens Warm in the Winter
Do you raise chickens and want to make sure they stay safe and warm during the cold winter months? Here’s how to keep your chickens warm in the winter!
Goat Gestation Calculator to Calculate Your Goat’s Due Date
Is it breeding season in your goat herd? Make sure you know your goat’s due date by using this goat gestation calculator so you can be prepared for kidding!
Anemia in Goats: Diagnosing and Treating
Is your goat lethargic or have bottle jaw? These are signs of anemia in goats. Learn about treating anemia and how to get your goats back to total health.
The Ultimate Guide to Breeding Goats
Are you ready to breed your goats? Learn all you need to know about breeding goats to help you keep your goats healthy and breed successfully!
How to Prevent Worms in Your Goats Naturally (With Herbs)
Are internal parasites or worms a problem in your goat herd? Learn how to prevent worms in your goats naturally using herbs!
How to Set Up a Brooder Box for Chicks
Are you getting ready to bring home your first day-old chicks? Learn how to set up a brooder box for your chicks to live in the first few weeks!
7 Ways to Use a Milk Stand with Your Goats
Do you have a milk stand for your goats? Whether you raise goats for milk, meat, or pets, learn how to use a milk stand to help you care for your goats!
Diagnosing and Treating Goat Polio in Your Goat Herd
If you have a sick goat showing neurological symptoms you might be dealing with goat polio. Learn more about goat polio and how to treat it successfully.
Poisonous Plants for Goats + How to Prevent and Treat Plant Toxicity
If you raise goats eventually you will deal with plant toxicity. Learn about poisonous plants for goats so you can prevent your goats from getting sick.
BoSe Dosage for Goats (+ When to Give It)
BoSe is a supplement given to goats to treat selenium & prevent deficiency. Learn the correct BoSe dosage for goats & how to give the supplement correctly.
Ivermectin Dosage for Goats (+ How to Give)
Ivermectin is a medication given to goats to treat internal parasites. Learn the correct Ivermectin dosage for goats & how to give the medication correctly.
Duck Eggs vs Chicken Eggs: What’s the Difference
Everyone has had chicken eggs, but what about duck eggs? Find out the real difference when it comes to duck eggs vs chicken eggs….
How to Raise Coturnix Quail on Your Small Homestead
Coturnix quail are the perfect addition to the urban homestead! Learn how to raise these tiny birds for egg and meat in any location.
Baking Soda for Goats: Why Your Goats Need This Supplement
Learn why you should be providing baking soda for goats; I’ll teach you what it is for and how to feed this supplement to your goats.
The Complete Guide to Electric Fence for Goats
Fencing is an important part of raising goats. Learn how to use an electric fence for goats plus the pros & cons of electric fencing when it comes to goats.
How to Care for Goats in Winter- What You NEED to Know!
Caring for goats in winter takes extra work and effort on your part. Learn what you need to know about raising goats in snow and cold temperatures.
Goat Minerals- 5 Things You Need to Know for Your Goat’s Health
Goat nutrition is an important part of keeping your goat healthy. Learn why goat minerals are the most important part of your goat’s nutritional health.
How to Build a Goat Pen- Everything You Need to Know!
Are you ready to bring goats home? Make sure that your goat pen has everything it needs to have to keep your goats safe and healthy.
6 Easy Pallet Projects for Your Goat Yard
Raising goats and setting up your goat yard doesn’t have to be expensive! Check out these 6 super easy pallet projects for your goat yard!
The Complete Guide to Raising Guinea Fowl
Raising guinea fowl isn’t too difficult, learn the basics for raising guineas on your homestead and tips on a successful guinea flock!
5 Reasons NOT to Own Guinea Fowl
Guinea fowl can be an exotic addition to your farm. They have many pros but some drawbacks as well. Here are 5 reason you might decide NOT to raise guineas.
How to Prevent and Treat Coccidiosis in Goats
Coccidia can cause life long problems in your goats. Learn how to diagnose and treat coccidiosis in goats to keep them healthy!
The Pros and Cons of Free Range Chickens
Free Range Chickens can be seen as the ideal way to raise chickens. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons and see which way is truly best for you.
What Do Goats Eat: A Guide to Goat Nutrition
Your complete guide to feeding your goats: What do goats eat? How much should you feed goats? And other commonly asked questions about goat nutrition.
22 Articles to Read Before Getting Goats
Do you want to add goats to your homestead? Check out these 22 articles written by a seasoned goat owner to help you get off to the best start with your goat herd.
5 Reasons You Need to Raise Grass Fed Beef on Your Homestead
Raising your own food is a rewarding experience that all homesteaders strive for. Here are 5 Reasons you need to raise grass fed beef on your homestead
What Do Ducks Eat? Your Complete Guide to Feeding Ducks
Are you new to raising backyard ducks and asking yourself what do ducks eat? Learn about the diet of the domestic duck and what to feed your backyard ducks to keep them happy and healthy!
Can You Eat Guinea Fowl and Guinea Eggs?
Can you eat guinea fowl? Can you eat guinea eggs? Find out the answer to these questions and learn more about what these birds can do for your homestead!
Diagnosing and Treating Scours in Goats
It’s scary when your goat gets sick and you don’t know how to treat her. Find out what causes and how to treat scours in goats and get her healthy again!
12 Super Cute Gift Ideas for Goat Lovers!
Need some goat-inspired gift ideas? Here are 12 super cute gift ideas the crazy goat lady in your life is sure to love! Great gifts for goat lovers for any occasion!
The Best Options for Goat Fencing
Goats are notorious for testing fences. Learn the best options when it comes to goat fencing so that you can keep your goats safe and contained!
The Complete Quick Start Guide to Raising Goats
Are you new to raising goats or have goats on your homestead wish list. This Complete Guide to Raising Goats will give you everything you need to know!
9 Signs Your Goat is in Labor (Or Will Be Soon!)
Are you playing the waiting game with your pregnant goat? Learn these 9 signs that will help you tell if your goat is in labor and will deliver soon!
How to Raise Goats on a Small Lot
Think you can’t raise goats on a small lot? Think again, learn how to make room for goats on a very small homestead and get started today!
A Quick Start Guide to Raising Ducks
If you love raising chickens, you’ll love raising ducks! Learn everything you need to get started in this Beginner’s Guide to Raising Ducks!
5 Overlooked Goat Breeds You Didn’t Know You Wanted
Everyone knows the big meat and dairy goat breeds like Saanen and Boer, but here are 5 overlooked goat breeds that may be just right for your homestead!
Identifying and Treating Selenium Deficiency in Goats
Selenium deficiency in goats can cause reproductive issues and weak kids. Learn how to identify and treat this deficiency in your herd!
Profitable Poultry: Make Money Raising Chickens
Chickens are a hard-working homestead staple. Learn 7 ways to make money raising chickens and increase your homestead income and have a profitable flock.
Diagnosing and Treating Barber Pole Worms in Goats
Barber Pole worms are blood sucking parasites that cause anemia and even death. Learn how to treat barber pole worms in goats and keep them away for good!
Space Requirements for Goats: How Much Space Do Goats Need?
How much space do goats really need? Learn all about the space requirements for goats to give them the best shelter and pasture for healthy and happy lives!
How to Make Homemade Goat Electrolytes
Electrolytes can rehydrate your goats when they are sick and get some nutrition back in their bodies. Learn how to make your own goat electrolytes at home!
Do Guineas Eat Snakes?
A major pro for guineas is that they will take care of your snake problem. Find out the truth- do guineas eat snakes for real??
How to Give a Copper Bolus to Your Goat the Easy Way
Learn how to copper bolus a goat and keep your herd from being deficient in this necessary nutrient.
How to Raise Goat Bucks in Rut (And What You Need to Know!)
If you are raising goats for milk sooner or later you will need to breed your does. Learn all about bucks in rut and how they differ from the does.
The Importance of B Vitamins to Your Goat’s Health
B vitamins are extremely important to your goat. Learn all about b12 and Thiamine and the roll they play in keeping your goat healthy.
5 Types of Poultry to Raise That Are NOT Chickens
Chickens may be the most popular but they aren’t your only choice. Explore these other types of poultry to raise for your egg and meat needs.
Must-Have Goat Care Supplies
When it comes to goats, you need to be ready for anything! Keep these goat care supplies on hand so you are prepared for all that your goats throw at you!
How to Bottle Feed a Goat
Do you have a mother who has rejected her kids or an otherwise abandoned kid? Learn how to bottle feed a goat and still have healthy and thriving babies! Homemade milk replacer recipe included!
8 Must Have Nutritional Supplements for Goats
Nutrition is a big part of raising goats. Make sure you have the proper nutritional supplements for goats on hand to keep your goats happy and healthy.
10 Goat Medications No Goat Owner Should Be Without
A well stocked medical cabinet can mean the difference between life and death. Keep these 10 goat medications on hand to keep your herd healthy!
The Ultimate Guide to Goat Breeds
Are you considering adding goats to your home? Use this guide to decide which of the goat breeds will best suit your needs!
Hatching Chicks: Incubator vs. Broody Hen
Hatching Chicks is one of the best ways to add new chickens to your flock. Should you use a broody hen or an incubator? Take a deeper look at these options.
Chicken Coop Necessities: 6 Things Your Coop Must Have
When building a chicken coop you need to keep in mind certain requirements. This list of chicken coop necessities will give you happy, healthy, hens!
5 Best Dairy Goat Breeds for the Small Farm
Interested in raising goats but not sure which dairy breed to choose? Learn more about the best dairy goat breeds and which one is right for you.
The Kidding Kit: Everything You Need for Goat Kidding
Are you ready for your goat to give birth? Plan ahead and pack your kidding kit with everything you will need for a successful goat birth!