Raising Chickens on the Homestead
Check out these guides and articles on raising chickens on your homestead
Raising Poultry on the Homestead
Check out these guides on raising poultry for your homestead
Raising Guineas on the Homestead
Learn more about these odd looking birds and how they might fit in on your homestead
All Poultry Articles
The Number 1 Way to Get Rid of Foxes for Good!
Foxes are a big problem for poultry owner. Learn this number one tip to get rid of foxes for good and quit losing your birds to these sly predators!
How to Keep Chickens Warm in the Winter
Do you raise chickens and want to make sure they stay safe and warm during the cold winter months? Here’s how to keep your chickens warm in the winter!
How to Set Up a Brooder Box for Chicks
Are you getting ready to bring home your first day-old chicks? Learn how to set up a brooder box for your chicks to live in the first few weeks!
Duck Eggs vs Chicken Eggs: What’s the Difference
Everyone has had chicken eggs, but what about duck eggs? Find out the real difference when it comes to duck eggs vs chicken eggs….
How to Raise Coturnix Quail on Your Small Homestead
Coturnix quail are the perfect addition to the urban homestead! Learn how to raise these tiny birds for egg and meat in any location.
The Complete Guide to Raising Guinea Fowl
Raising guinea fowl isn’t too difficult, learn the basics for raising guineas on your homestead and tips on a successful guinea flock!
5 Reasons NOT to Own Guinea Fowl
Guinea fowl can be an exotic addition to your farm. They have many pros but some drawbacks as well. Here are 5 reason you might decide NOT to raise guineas.
The Pros and Cons of Free Range Chickens
Free Range Chickens can be seen as the ideal way to raise chickens. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons and see which way is truly best for you.
What Do Ducks Eat? Your Complete Guide to Feeding Ducks
Are you new to raising backyard ducks and asking yourself what do ducks eat? Learn about the diet of the domestic duck and what to feed your backyard ducks to keep them happy and healthy!
Can You Eat Guinea Fowl and Guinea Eggs?
Can you eat guinea fowl? Can you eat guinea eggs? Find out the answer to these questions and learn more about what these birds can do for your homestead!
A Quick Start Guide to Raising Ducks
If you love raising chickens, you’ll love raising ducks! Learn everything you need to get started in this Beginner’s Guide to Raising Ducks!
Profitable Poultry: Make Money Raising Chickens
Chickens are a hard-working homestead staple. Learn 7 ways to make money raising chickens and increase your homestead income and have a profitable flock.
Do Guineas Eat Snakes?
A major pro for guineas is that they will take care of your snake problem. Find out the truth- do guineas eat snakes for real??
5 Types of Poultry to Raise That Are NOT Chickens
Chickens may be the most popular but they aren’t your only choice. Explore these other types of poultry to raise for your egg and meat needs.
Hatching Chicks: Incubator vs. Broody Hen
Hatching Chicks is one of the best ways to add new chickens to your flock. Should you use a broody hen or an incubator? Take a deeper look at these options.
Chicken Coop Necessities: 6 Things Your Coop Must Have
When building a chicken coop you need to keep in mind certain requirements. This list of chicken coop necessities will give you happy, healthy, hens!