In this article: Find the best infused water recipes to help you keep hydrated and healthy in the summer, while exercising, or any time you feel thirsty!

We all know that staying hydrated is so important, but sometimes it just doesn’t happen.

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There are a lot of health benefits to drinking infused water in addition to keeping you hydrated, including extra nutrients, flavor, and body detoxification.

So what is infused water, and how do you make it?


infused water: Find the best infused water recipes to help you keep hydrated and healthy in the summer, while exercising, or any time you feel thirsty!


Infused water is simply water- it can be filtered water, spring water, or just the plain water you normally drink.

Then you infuse it with fruit, vegetables, or herbs.

You can infuse your water by simply adding your chosen fresh fruit, herbs, etc into a glass jar filled with water and allowing it to infuse in the refrigerator for a few hours.

You can also get specific jugs or water bottles that are made just for this purpose.

Infusing your water adds the taste of your fruit into the water making your water taste better!

Infused water will help you drink more water and the flavor options are endless!


Related Reading: 12 Benefits of Cucumber Water


Are you ready to start drinking? Below are 17 infused water recipes that are delicious and easy to make. You will never want to go back to plain water again!

17 Infused Water Recipes to Add Flavor to Your Water

And that’s more than 17 different infused water recipes to try out. As you can see the flavors are limited only by your imagination.

You can try any combination of the following:

Berries- blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries

Citrus- lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit

Other fruits- watermelon, pomegranate, mango, cucumber, kiwi, pineapple, peach, apple, grape, melon, pear

Herbs- mint, rosemary, thyme, lemon balm, basil, sage, lavender

Flowers- hibiscus, dandelion, lilac, violet, rose

Or any other flavors I may have missed.

Just combine your favorite flavors into a jar of water and allow to infuse for 30 minutes to overnight and then enjoy!

What is your favorite combination?