Crazy goat lady meets obsessive, tomato planting gardener

Yeah. That’s me. I’m all about the extremes.
Crazy lady who talks to (but doesn’t dress up) her goats? Check.
A garden with more tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, and squash than anyone really needs? Check.
Larger than average family with 6 kids? Check.
Homeschool mom by day and online entrepreneur in “my spare time”? Check.
A passion to teach you how you can be a goat-loving, green-thumb wielding, homesteading Rock Star? Check. Check. Check.
What is the Free Range Life?
And other FAQs
What is The Free Range Life?
The Free Range Life is your source for help with:
- Learning how to grow your own food from your own garden with your own 2 hands
- Raising your own goats, chickens, ducks, guineas, and whatever other livestock might tickle your fancy
- Filling your pantry, fridge, and freezer with home-preserved foods
- Finding natural alternatives to life’s problems (you know, like pesticides, stress, and even warts)
Plus, I’ll help you get more organized. And keep all of your ducks- or goats- in a row.
How can you help me with all that?
With freebies like these:
Goat Supply Cabinet Checklists
Gardening and Preservation Cheat Sheets
And comprehensive guides like these:
The Ultimate Guide to Companion Planting in Your Garden
Complete Quickstart Guide to Raising Goats
11 Tips for a Successful First Garden
100+ Ways to Make Money from Your Homestead
9 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Fleas
Common Seed Starting Problems- and How to Fix Them
Exclusive tools like these:
The Busy Homesteader’s Goat Management Binder
WHO is The Free Range Life?
That’s me, Sarah Toney.
I’d like to say I am a one-woman show, but I do get the occasional guest writer, and help from the family.
But, yeah, for the most part, The Free Range Life, is just me.
What does The Free Range Life mean?
Free range is more than just a way to raise chickens.
It’s a way of life. It’s self sufficiency. It’s living outside the norm.
It’s going back to the off-grid, rural West Virginia homestead I was born on.
And raising my children to explore, work, and REALLY know the world around them.
But really, it’s just a name. Our homeschool is Free Range Academy. Our farm is Free Range Farm.
I just went with it.
Okay, I’m in! How can I get more?
The easiest way to get more is to grab one of my freebies– either goats or gardening (and food preservation/natural living).
Grab those and you’ll get weekly emails from me full of tips and tricks on things like gardening and raising goats.
We can also be internet friends! Check me out on social:
Sorry– that’s all the social I do!
Not enough? Here are 10 random facts. I’ll let you decide if they’re interesting….
I was born a homesteader. Spent my childhood and teenage years as a city girl. And returned to my roots at 21, when my husband and I bought our first house.
I am, and always have been, an animal lover. Seriously. 4 dogs, 10 cats, a 110 gallon fish tank, a couple rabbits, 4 ferrets. All have called this home. And that doesn’t even touch the farm animals.
At one point we had 17 cats, all collected and fixed from around the neighborhood. Our neighbor’s cat even adopted us and had 5 kittens in my closet.
I am super frugal and thrifty. Seriously. I only buy jeans at Goodwill because I can’t stomach paying more than $5 for a pair of pants.
I grow a million pounds of tomatoes each year (*not literally) but I don’t like eating plain tomatoes.
I have been a vegetarian since I was 12 years old. Except for crab cakes (Hello! I spent my childhood in Maryland), and more recently I have cheated on some home-raised pork (that stuff’s good!)
I can’t stand wearing gloves or shoes in the garden. My hands and feet are permanently stained brown all summer long.
When I was 17 years old I was absolutely positive I was going to be an epidemiologist when I “grew up”. I was also positive I was going to marry my boyfriend. The second actually happened.
In 2016, I wrote, and self published, a young adult novel that takes place on a Texas farm. That’s one thing checked off the bucket list!
I am an overthinker. On everything. You don’t want to know how long it took to come up with these 10 random facts and how many I deleted in the process.