Growing Sweet Potatoes: How to Grow, Harvest, and Use Sweet Potatoes

Growing sweet potatoes is simple and fun to do in your own vegetable garden.

Learn how to grow sweet potatoes from slips, plus how to care for them and when to harvest sweet potatoes!

Sweet potatoes are very easy to grow and don’t have a lot of requirements, but they do prefer a warm, sunny location, so make sure you plant them where they will get full sun.

Site and Soil Preparation for Growing Sweet Potatoes

When you are ready to plant, you want to plant them about 12-18 inches apart in holes at least 6 inches deep.

Planting Your Sweet Potato Slips

It’s a good idea to mulch your sweet potato bed, especially in the beginning. The vines will spread , but they can be slow to start, so be sure to keep the bed as weed free as you can until the vines take over.

Caring for Your Growing Sweet Potato Plants

Sweet Potatoes can be harvested as soon as they are a suitable size, usually in late summer or early fall, but their flavor and quality will improve with exposure to cooler temperatures.

How and When to Harvest Sweet Potatoes

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