How to Grow Carrots from Seed

Carrots are a favorite crop to grow in the garden. They are beautiful, full of nutrition, and hold up well in storage.

There’s really nothing more exciting than pulling a homegrown carrot from the ground- and they just simply don’t compare to the ones you buy at the store.

Learn how to grow carrots from seed so you can have your own harvest almost all year long!

Carrot Varieties to Grow

Parisenne Danvers Half Long Scarlet Nantes Rainbow

When to Grow Carrots

Carrot seeds should be planted about 3-5 weeks before you last frost date.

Preparing Your Carrot Bed

Carrots are root crops with long tapered roots. In order for these roots to develop properly they need loose, fluffy soil that drains well.

Planting Carrot Seeds

There’s a couple options when it comes to sowing your seeds: Scattering Hand Laid Rows Seed Tape

Carrot Pests and Problems

Some of the pests you may encounter are: Carrot Fly Aphids Cutworms Flea Beetles

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