Recipes and Food

Scroll through our collection of from-scratch recipes or choose a category below.

Garden Fresh Recipes

All of these recipes feature fresh-from-the-garden ingredients! 

Spreads & Sauces

You don’t  have to buy sauces, jams, and condiments from the store. Learn to make your own!

Breads & Rolls

Icludes yeast breads, rolls, wraps, muffins, and more!

Food Preservation and Canning

Learn how to preserve and can your own food. Includes things like canning applesauce, peaches, jams, and preverving your harvest.

6 Ways to Preserve Summer Squash

6 Ways to Preserve Summer Squash

Summer squash is a great crop that gives you a big harvest in a short period of time. Learn 6 ways to preserve summer squash to save your harvest for later!

6 Ways to Preserve Strawberries

6 Ways to Preserve Strawberries

Strawberry season can provide a lot of berries in a very short period of time. Learn how to preserve strawberries to enjoy all year long.