In this article: Learn how to get rid of fleas naturally with 9 ideas to repel and kill fleas in your home.
We have a house full of pets. No, really. We’ve got 3 dogs, about 10 cats, and 4 ferrets. That means we have our work cut out for us when it comes to flea control.
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Since we also have a house full of kids- who love their pets- I really hate to use topical, chemical flea control (not that it works well anyway) and I worry about what the chemicals are doing to our furry family members when they ingest so much of these pills or chews that supposedly get rid of fleas.
Luckily, there are a lot of options to get rid of fleas naturally!
Are you in a hurry and need a quick fix now?
✅ This All Natural, Cedar-Based Flea Killer Spray kills fleas on contact. It’s safe to spray around the house, on furniture, on bedding, and on dogs (some can be sensitive to cedar). It was the ONLY thing that saved us during a particularly bad year of fleas!
How to Get Rid of Fleas Naturally!
I am fairly certain that ever since Frontline came out so many years ago we have slowly been creating a breed of super flea that is immune to so many of the things we throw at them.
That is the great thing about fighting nature with nature- most of the time you can’t build up a resistance to it! Now I won’t tell you that these are quick fixes because they aren’t. That being said, here are just 9 natural ways to get rid of fleas.
Diatomaceous Earth to Get Rid of Fleas
Diatomaceous Earth is one my favorite things for pest control. I use it in my garden for flea beetles and squash bug nymphs. I use it on my goats and chickens for lice and mites. It works by cutting the exoskeleton of the insect so that it dries out. This makes it a great natural way to kill fleas.
And I use it on our pets and in our home as natural flea control. It is important to remember that you want FOOD GRADE Diatomaceous Earth and if you are sensitive you might want to use a mask and be careful when applying so that you, and your pets, don’t inhale the dust.
Diatomaceous earth can be used to treat both your home and your pets. We keep our small dog’s crate dusted with it so that the fleas stay off his bedding and him while he sleeps. You can also directly dust your pet, working the powder down into their coats. Make sure to reapply if they get wet.
One particularly bad year, we dusted our entire house with diatomaceous earth. We spread it all over the wood floors with a dust mop and then left for the day. When we came home we swept and vacuumed the entire house*.
*Note: If you do this, be sure to SWEEP first and then vacuum. This amount of diatomaceous earth may clog and kill your vacuum!
Essential Oils to Kill and Repel Fleas
Essential Oils have so many uses and are better for the body than their chemical counterparts. Lemongrass, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Cedarwood, and Lavender all help to repel or kill fleas naturally.
Please keep in mind that not all pets are created equal, some animals are more sensitive than others, so if you are using oils start small and test for sensitivities.
Also, most oils are not safe for cats. Use them on your dogs and your home, but stay on the safe side and keep them away from your cats.
You can make a EO flea spray to spray on bedding and furniture. And you can also put oils on your dog’s collar to help get rid of fleas naturally that way. Just a few drops in a circle around the collar will help immediately. Just replenish the oils when they fade- about once a week.
Read more about using Essential Oils for Fleas to see how they can work for you.
Apple Cider Vinegar to Repel Fleas
ACV is good for so many things- fleas included! Apple Cider Vinegar works both externally and internally to repel fleas- with the added benefit of improving your pet’s skin and coat.
To use ACV externally, you can simply put 1/2 water, 1/2 vinegar in a spray bottle and apply to your pet or spritz your home. You can also add a few drops of essential oils in the mix here too.
Internally, you can either mix a good, organic, apple cider vinegar into your pet’s food or into their drinking water. I don’t measure this, but many sources say that it should be about a teaspoon per 40 lbs in a quart of water.
We have all the animals drinking from the same 3 gallon waterer, so I just pour a little in when we fill it up each time. My dogs are a bit too picky to eat it with their food.
Get my favorite Apple Cider Vinegar Brand
Flea Trap Light to Kill Fleas
A flea trap can be bought or homemade, and very simply it’s a light shining over a pan of soapy water. We bought one since it was easier than having a lamp in the middle of the kids’ rooms. The one we had came with sticky pads, but once those were used we just filled it with a little water and blue dawn.
Fleas are drawn to the light when the room is dark at night- they jump into the water and die. Pretty simple and great for natural flea control!
Homemade Flea Powder to Repel Fleas
You can up the flea-fighting power of diatomaceous earth by adding in other herbs and essential oils. Herbs like catnip, rosemary, sage, and yarrow have some flea repelling properties.
Grind up these herbs with your diatomaceous earth and add in a few drops of cedar or eucalyptus oil and apply to your dog (or leave out the oils for your cats) once a month or as needed.
You can find one good recipe for Homemade Flea Powder at Primally Inspired.
Bathing to Get Rid of Fleas
A good bath is a great way to drown all of the fleas currently on your pet right now. You can use a good quality pet shampoo, but I find that blue dawn does as good or better than most products I have tried, plus it’s pretty easy on the skin.
If our dogs are particularly covered, I might add a bit of lavender essential oil to the water. I also recommend making a ring of soap around the top of your dogs head and neck…that way once you start rinsing all the fleas won’t just crawl up to their face to hide out.
Our large dogs don’t get baths that often- a couple of times each summer, but our little chihuahua gets one about once a week since he seems to get more fleas than the rest.
I also like to do a final rinse with a cedar wood essential oil and water to help get rid of the fleas for even longer.
Related Reading: 11 Essential Oils That Repel Insects, Bugs, and Pests
Vacuuming/Cleaning to Get Rid of Fleas
There’s no hiding the fact that a clean house equals less fleas. The little buggers like to hide out, so frequent vacuuming and sweeping is a must to get rid of fleas and keep big flea infestations away.
I was told years ago that you should vacuum once a week for every body in your house- pets included. So that means I need to vacuum about 8 times a day, but it is a good rule. We vacuum the entire downstairs daily. I would do the kids’ rooms upstairs….but oh, the legos that would be caught!
It’s also a good idea to keep a little diatomaceous earth in your canister or vacuum bag to help kill the fleas that you have trapped inside your vacuum!
Cedar to Kill Fleas Naturally
I mentioned cedar wood oil above, but cedar in general is great for repelling and killing fleas naturally.
Consider filling your dog bed with cedar chips, or bedding an outdoor doghouse with them.
About 4 years ago we had a horrible, horrible, year. And when I say horrible, I mean fleas in my bed horrible. Nothing was working. Not even when we broke down and bought the chemicals.
I came across a product called Cedarcide. It is made from cedar oil and hydrated silica. I was desperate so I bought some. It was wonderful! It seemed to kill fleas on contact. It was too expensive to spray the dogs with all the time, but it was a lifesaver for our home. We could spray our sheets before sleeping and no more fleas.
So far it’s the best natural flea killer I have come across.
Related Reading: How to Make Your Yard Mosquito Free- Naturally!
Nematodes to Get Rid of Fleas Outside
Beneficial Nematodes are parasitic roundworms that feed on organic matter and insects such as fleas. They generally live in warm, moist soil and are completely safe and non-toxic.
Nematodes are applied to your yard- specifically where your dogs and cats tend to hang out to get rid of fleas in the immediate area. This helps you by preventing re-infestations when your pets enter the house from outside.
Keeping your yard neat and trimmed can also help prevent fleas from coexisting with your pets outdoors.
You can buy beneficial nematodes online at places like Garden’s Alive or even on Amazon!
Already been bitten? Check out 13 Natural Remedies for Bug Bites
Do you have trouble with fleas at your home? What ways have you tried to get rid of fleas naturally?
Rock salt. Get some rock salt like you would put in an older (hand-cranked) ice cream maker. Cover the rug liberally. After a couple days, vacuum. Also treat your pet(s), if you have them.
(We did this once when moving into a rental house where the previous occupants had let things get out of hand. It worked, although we did continue to vacuum up rock salt for a long time.)
I have tried deitamacious earth, but seems to need to be on thickly and seems to get less effective over time. With my cat it is cleanex off regularly so I reapplyat least every 24hrs. Even with chemicals its only enough for about 20 days when the chemical appeRs to wear off. As my cat and dog are allergic it is driving me mad.
Keep using he DE around the house and cover your cat in coconut oil. It contains lauric acid which kills fleas. You can either wash off the oil after or leave it. Do this once a week or as needed.
why would you use cedar oil on your bed and only sparingly on your dogs who get bitten mm just as badly as you. you love them you say but that stuff is too expensive for them.
I live in a dog friendly apartment complex full of fleas when the weather is hot and humid. Cedarcide / Wondercide work very well. Unfortunately, my two little rescue pekes are so sensitive to the cedar oil, they were tearing at their skin from the products rather than from the fleas to which they are so allergic. I finally settled on Easy Defense powder from Only Natural Pet and vacuuming twice a day to turn the tide.
So we tried diatomaceous earth today on the cat and the rug and OMG the mess. I almost broke the vacuum trying to get it all up and the dust filled the house. I have spent the day sweeping and mopping and our rug is currently outside with the vacuum and I have no idea how to get both clean! Ideas please? Thanks.
Yes, it makes a huge mess if you put it house-wide. We only did that when we were desperate. We leave the dust in hidden places like behind beds and couches. Sweeping most of it before vacuuming is what we did. And then shaking the vacuum outside until it was clear.
Also DE is not the best option as when ingested it can be very harmful to both pet and human.
No, diatomaceous earth is not harmful to mammals. You could eat spoonfuls of the stuff if you really wanted. If you get a kind of DE product that has pesticide, that’s a different story, but DE by itself is not harmful to anything without an exoskeleton.
Diatomaceous earth is very drying. If inhaled, especially in pet birds, it will dry out their lungs and suffocate them. And because it is sharp and cutting, it will do damage to all lungs if inhaled. I know, I was a bird breeder. And, I almost lost my chickens because of it!
DE will ruin most vacuums as it is so microscopic that it will get in the bearings. You must use a Rainbow type vac with a water reservoir to catch the dust. A small cheap shop vac is the best option but you must remove the filter and put an inch of water in the bottom to catch the dust. Also BEFORE applying to fur or skin UNDERSTAND this substance will seriously dehydrate anything it comes in contact with and is like finely powdered glass. It will cause serious rash if left in prolonged contact and is very bad inside your lungs. Other than that I highly recommend it .
The best way to use DE (use only food grade) is to put it inside the vacuum cleaner bag and then vacuum. This keeps cats especially, safe from inhalation.This way it also doesn’t travel through the vacuum cleaner and the fleas get a nasty surprise when they arrive inside the bag. Works a treat for us. :)
I live in the UK and have a cat. Need something to get rid of fleas on her and more important those present in house. Obviously I need a natural remedy and something that works fast. HELP
Hi Kate, vacuum clean your house every day or every two days making sure you get into all the corners, skirting boards, window sills, bed, cat bedding (everything you can!) until problem subsides! Wash everything you can e.g. bedding, covers, cushions, throws frequently and add white vinegar to the final rinse instead of fabric conditioner. Boil organic lemon rinds in water for 20 mins then leave liquid to cool. Use in a spray bottle on hard floors all around corners of room. I add vinegar to my detergent when washing hard floors (but check a small area first). You can’t use essential oils or apple cider vinegar on cats so the only natural assistance il Neem oil. (I didn’t have much success with that though but I do have a lot of cats.) For soft furnishings a solution of white vinegar and salt used as a spray. A chemical spot on product might be the only solution so you could do it just once, but make sure you get one that kills not only fleas but eggs and lavae. A friend swears by Brewer’s yeast added to cat’s food as it seems to repel fleas however I noticed that the dried food I use already has it in. The MOST important tip is to vacuum clean as it’s the most effective way to kill larvae and that’s what you need to do to stop the cycle.
Eleanor cats are allergic to citrus. Please read more on the topic please.
Please see this book from a vet who has been using essential oils on cats and other animals for a very long time. This is a very comprehensive resource The Animal Desk Reference II: Essential Oils for Animals by Melissa Shelton DVM. Another thing to remember is that, like humans, cats and other pets prefer some oils over others. For example, our cat isn’t a fan of lavender but will tolerate lemongrass. I know of other cats who it’s the reverse. It’s all personal preference with humans and equally so with pets. The best treatment though is to tackle the house and for Kate, being in the UK see All Natural Pet I can’t vouch for it but am experimenting with some of the ingredients ie making my own version. Oh, the other thing to be clear about when it comes to essential oils, not all oils are equal and also just because it says it’s organic doesn’t mean the processing stage has been done cleanly. The best oils in my opinion and experience of using them for decades is from nhr essential oils. They provide full data, analysis, certificates etc on each oil ie transparency and that’s what you want. This of course is all from my own personal experience and opinion. Looking into these things individually is always a requirement as a particular solution that works for someone may not work for someone else. Like everything in life, there is no such thing as a single cure all for everyone and that goes for our pets too.
Blue Dawn platinum is best when bathing. I bathe our two Chions twice a week. Also I have peppermint plants growing outside along walkways and edges of apartment. I hang eucalyptus sprigs beside each doorway. Lemongrass/Cedar is great if you grind it up finely and sprinkle on carpets. Vacuuming the following day. Plus it smells GREAT!
You sound a lot like me with all the animals. And it’s very good to have pets for kids. I think it makes them more caring and loving adults and way more responsible also. My mom has a heck of a time with fleas, she lives on the Oregon coast and the weather is moderate and moist all the time. So I’ll pass this on to her. Thanks and love your site.
Diatamaceus earth does not harm animal by taking. Its inhaling the powder can get in lungs.
Other benefit of DE Earth: I had a 4 yr old staff & found out she had heart worms & could die.Took her home from vet.
Gave her 1 tbsp diatamaceus mixed with water in her food. Had never been given worm meds. and 1 week later she was fine. She lived to be almost 14 yrs and still was not given meds only DE everyday. Never again had any type of worms.
Don’t just take my word.
Go and research info DE earth for dogs & cats.
DE (food grade) is also good for people, one teaspoon a day in a large glass of water to rod the body of internal parasites. Make sure to use a binder as well, like activated charcoal (the coconut kind) as the parasites give off toxins that the charcoal will absorb, keeping you from getting sick.
Thanks for this info. I was wondering if you could use DE to kill heartworms. Of course, the pharmaceutical industry would never tell you this info. as it would cut into their excessive profits.
Where can you get lemongrass and Cedar? Are they oils? or like sprigs? Sorry don’t know. I noticed our grandson’s dog itching and checked her with flea comb and she had a few on her, how do I get rid of the rest. Sprayed Frontline on her and it seemed to help, but she’s itching again. I don’t want to keep spraying her. Please help don’t want fleas in house. Thanks Betty
My Cat has had fleas a couple of times now and its costing me a fortune on treatments which they don’t work now he has them again I treated him again but need advice on home remedies to try out and hope it works I’v bought a few treatments for my carpets but still have the fleas Ive also treated my cat again need advice on home remedies
I’ve tried to cut up rosemary and add salt to that and then I added it to my dogs bed I also sprayed a lemon mixture made out of hot water, fresh lemon juice and salt.
I also gave them a bag yesterday and added a little bit of tea tree oil and it worked a gem I definitely recommend that,
I live in Ireland and have 2 indoor & outdoor cats. Fleas on the cats are usually only a problem in summer or v mild winter weather.
To get rid of fleas in the house, I make a mixture of equal quantities baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) and table salt. Scatter this over carpets/soft furnishing/hard floors/etc and leave for 3-4 hours, then vacuum up.
I then scatter this powder around areas where I’ve had fleas affecting cats or humans before, especially on mattresses (under the sheet) and under carpets, sofa cushions, cat beds/sleeping places & other likely furniture. Leave this powder until the next time you clean there, then replace it with more.
The salt & bicarbonate apparently dry out (and kill) any fleas that it comes into contact with, but most importantly, it kills eggs/larvae, ending the life cycle.
I’ve been using this for years and no fleas inside, despite a flea-ridden visiting cat!
Thanks very much Firth’s advice
Thank you so much. I’m going to use this suggestion.
What’s your ratio
What’s the best way to scatter baking soda/salt mixture?
Thank you so much for your lovely and thorough explanation of everything Fleas. It was very useful to me as I try to be as pesticide free as possible. I have two cats and 1 dog and ferrets, my major problem is the ferrets, because fleas can kill ferrets. I’ve told the salt trick to many people and they’re always surprise, but it does work like a charm and I feel that it’s much safer than borax.
Thanks again and have a lovely day, cheers :-)
Babysitting a cat and now the upstairs is a flea haven. Put down non-food grade diatomaceous earth less than an hour ago and already less are jumping on me and those that are don’t move quickly. Will wait and start vacuuming tonight. Thanks for the help. k
Is it safe for the cats to be in the room when using the salt mix
Earth Works sells a human grade DE earth.
Amazon also has human grade. I’ve been taking it for 13 yrs. GREAT benefits for home, yard, dogs, cats & humans. We use it in the garden for pest. But first do your own research to get more info.
we have 2 kittens who are nearly 6 month old who are indoor cats and we have a 3 year old cat who is a indoor outdoor cat and I need desperately to find a way to get rid of the fleas as it been a bad year this year tried bathing all 3 used flea collars and treatment got flea traps in every roomonth but I still getting bit and started having a reaction to them so on antihistamines please send me ideas of what can try thank you
Have fleas in my home I can’t get rid of
I treated my yard in Texas with beneficial nematodes and it lasted more than 2 years. My two Yorkies were flea free and life was easy! Our local Natural Gardening store stocked them, but you have to pay attention to the directions and apply them correctly (not hard, but need moisture, etc.).
I also discovered Cedarcide, which is a great Texas company. They have several products that work wonderfully. One of my favorites is the granules which are very effective, when sprinkled around the perimeter of the foundation, at discouraging those nasty scorpions that seem to appear in your house when the weather gets cold. They also help to keep out other undesirables. I have loved everything that I’ve gotten from them, plus it smells wonderful.
Where do you buy the stuff at
You can get it on Amazon.
That’s great. We’re from Texas but live on the Baja and I think this is what we can use outside for the scorpions, etc. that might want to move in. Thanks
My back yard was taken over by a mother raccoon and her 5 babies this summer . They come into the yard to climb our cherry and apple trees. Then late at night they’d come to drink from the bird fountain and dig up a certain area of the grass looking for grub. To my horror I watched them all in the yard scratching like no tomorrow thinking of what bugs they must be carrying. The very next day I spotted fleas on my 9 year old Boston terrier who has never had a flea or any kind of treatment before. I bathed her in flea shampoo and dawn dish soap then ripped my house apart washing everything 9 loads of laundry to be exact and vacuum everything I could. I have given her flea medication too. My problem is every time she goes out to the yard she is covered in fleas in no time. Any suggestions for the yard that isn’t mine. I rent. I also am fighting bone cancer live alone with no outside help and I am honestly not strong enough to keep doing all of this every day. Can you help me?
Hi. The nematodes mentioned above will help. Also the cedar ide granuals mentioned above. Check amazon to find these items. Last.y, call an animal trapper locally to come get racoons and relocate them.
Thank you, for the giving of your knowledge, time, and energy. I have read on the subject of flea control in the past. This writing you did was so much better than all of the other reading I’ve done over the past years. My lovely wife and started a dog rescue years ago and we decided from the beginning the puppies (dogs) would stay out for life , and that we would never use the 29 of them for breeding. They and us have been blessed over and over again and again, and with the life cycle of change we now have 11 puppies (dogs) and 1 cat. We will see moving very soon in this healthy Choice of the war of Dogs against fleas. Thank You Very Much. ✝️🙏🕊